
renovation.wtf is a weekend project by a new Singaporean home owner fortunate enough to have scored a BTO, at a time of insanely extravagant housing prices and competitive demand.

In documenting our own learnings, home creation and renovation journey, this blog aspires to be a helpful one-stop guide supporting similar new home owners in their research process – through curated content, guides and research.

our editorial policy, fyi

We are committed to providing trustworthy information that is thoroughly researched and sourced from credible sources. We are not affiliated with any suppliers, interior design firms, agencies and contractors.

While we strive to be as accurate as possible, this blog is written and curated by a human (not an AI). Hence, we may sometimes include content that may be accurate at the time of publishing, but outdated after a certain period of time.

If you catch an error, please write in to us at renovation.wtf@gmail.com so we can correct the information, and continue providing accurate information to others.